Emotional Freedom

How do our emotions impact our lives? Why is change so difficult? What does it take to change. how do we gain control over our emotions? Gaining control means rewriting our subconscious beliefs, the beliefs that affect our decision making process. A painful process to endure, but one worth the effort.

As an example, a client was referred to me because he was having trouble closing deals. He had a great first half of the year but was struggling as the year went on. After talking with him I learned that he was making 4 to 5 times what his dad did and that he was having his most productive year to date. There was the problem for him, subconscious beliefs about money, guilt over making the amount of money he was, and a fear of having that amount of money. He was self sabotaging to remain at an income he was comfortable with.

Through NAET's emotional freedom techniques he was treated for these limiting beliefs. After treatments he began to look at money differently and continued to increase his income. Bob Proctor has a good video on YouTube entitled "How to change a paradigm". Give it a look its worth the 12 minutes. Don't let your limiting beliefs keep you from the things you desire.

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